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Container Carriage

Transportation of goods in containers

Container Carriage is our craft

Timely transport, avoiding
demurrage & detention

At Mesitis Group, we handle the movement of containers from the point of arrival at the port to the next transportation hub. We have strong connections with port authorities and are connected via API to most SSL and terminals. Last year we delivered over 30,000 TEU’s with less than 1 % demurrage fees.

State-of-the-art solutions for container carriage

Real-time visibility

Our shipping technology solution combines transportation management, track and trace, real-time visibility, and a network that integrates with your software and transportation workflows, allowing instant improvements of your corporate key performance indicators.

Digitizing your supply chain

At the speed of a finger snap

Our shipping technology solution combines transportation management, real-time visibility, and a network that integrates with your software and transportation workflows, allowing instant improvements of your corporate key performance indicators.

Request for Quote

Please send a detailed inquiry to our Sales team, a representative will contact you within 24 hours.

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